We were very excited to have Scott Pfeiffer of Threshold Acoustics co-lead a tour of Omaha’s Holland Performing Arts Center, with Ed Hurd from the Omaha Performing Arts Society during a University of Nebraska Acoustical Society of America sponsored event, on Thursday, March 1, 2012. The 2.5 hour event flew by, as we got to see every nook and cranny of the Holland Center (including above the ceiling and below to the huge underfloor plenum that provides air to the Kiewit Concert Hall)! Scott had the opportunity to work on the Holland Center in his previous position at Kirkegaard Associates.
Here are photos of our lunch at Blue Sushi before the tour:

NAG at lunch with Scott Pfeiffer (at right)...

... and now on the left with the rest of the group!
And here is a photo from the Peter Kiewit Concert Hall:

Kiewit Concert Hall at the Holland Performing Arts Center
Scott also spent time earlier that day, critiquing our students’ acoustic design work in assorted Architectural Engineering classes: (1) ASA Student Design Competition, and (2) AE 8090 “Interdisciplinary Team Design Project – the capstone course of our ABET-accredited Master’s of Architectural Engineering (MAE) degree. His comments were very valuable, as these groups focus on refining their designs. Thank you, Scott!