Christopher Ainley is working on a NASA-Nebraska funded project to study how time-varying fluctuations can impact human performance and perception. At the 10/24 NAG meeting, he gave a brief introduction on NASA’s interest in our project: the development of commercial low-boom supersonic aircraft for flights across country. (Many in the room were unfortunately not able to attend our alum Jonathan Rathsam’s presentation last spring, which inspired this project!) Ellen Peng shared the ‘Acoustic Nugget’ of the week … if you cry at Hallmark commercials, you may want to have some tissues handy for this one: “Deaf Woman Hears Own Voice”
Many of us are excited to be heading to the San Diego ASA meeting next week. Three of our current students and recent grads will be presenting talks (Carl Hart, Lauren Ronsse, and Caleb Sieck). We will of course be hosting our traditional Nebraska Game Night on Tuesday, 11/1/11, right after TCAA (around 9:30/10 PM)… all NAG alums/friends/supporters are welcome to join!
Speaking of Jonathan Rathsam and San Diego ASA meetings… here is a ‘historic’ photo from the last San Diego ASA meeting in November 2004 – do you recognize any of the folks in the photo??

Who do you recognize from this November 2004 San Diego photo?